🌱 The Growth Bulletin: Week 27

(a day late, I know) 🎉Hey friend! Welcome to The Growth Bulletin, a weekly newsletter with curated links to amazing articles, books and tech to make your life better.

📰 articles & news

The 3 Levels of Listening: How To Transform Conversations into Meaningful Relationships - YouTube video from the founder of BestSelf. Listen to it with with Level 3 Global Listening :) Show that you really care and are interested in the conversation, read between the lines, and really pay attention. It's a great way to show you value a person, when you give them your full attention.

Who’s Afraid of the Four Day Work Week? - The specifics of implementation vary from company to company, but the basics are the same: you get paid the same amount as you did before, only you work less. And this isn’t some start-up, millennial-focused startup fringe benefit: pre-pandemic, one of the most public implementations of the four-day week is at Perpetual Guardian, a very staid, very old-fashioned company that manages trusts in New Zealand. The principle at the heart of the four day week: working less can actually mean working better

Fascinating article on a four day work week - sounds like an Information Age idea whose time has come.

📚 book

Lunch with Lucy: Maximize Profits by Investing in Your People - In her first book, Lunch with Lucy, Sherry tells the story of the creation of that company, LetterLogic, and how she turned it into a $40-million company by putting employees first—even ahead of customers and shareholders.

On any given Wednesday, any employee could invite “Lucy” (Sherry’s midday moniker) out to lunch, at a place of their choice, with the bill picked up by Sherry. At these events, Sherry wasn’t the CEO. She was “Lucy,” a co-worker. By making herself 100% available, “Lucy” created a judgment-free environment where she could learn about a team member’s dreams, ambitions, and challenges—and gain their insight into what she was doing right or wrong as a leader. 

Such an amazing concept, I think this is a must-try, even a Zoom/Skype Call version of this would work!

🛠️ tech


Simulator for personal finance to plan for Financial Independance & other goals. A personal finance planning and projection tool that
will never ask to link your financial accounts.

An interesting, privacy-focused alternative to the ones I've tried to so far: Perfios, INDMoney, and ET Money.

That's all, folks! See you next week.

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