Week 22

Hey friend! Welcome to this curated weekly newsletter about books, insights and tools to make your life better.

What's happening

  1. Fairly grueling week at work, with almost 3 days of 11 hour workdays, got back into balance towards the end of the week.

  2. Setting up times to catch up with old school/college friends over phone calls.

  3. Fell behind on exercise, sleeping pretty late, need to work on both


  1. Re-reading this gem, just got started with it, let's see what nuggets of wisdom I can gather this time around!


“It's not what we do once in a while that shapes our lives. 
It's what we do consistently.” 
― Anthony Robbins


  1. I'm using this excellent tool for weekly sprints of my own to-do's.

  2. I work in cycles of 4 weeks ~ a month, so it's perfect for looking back and checking progress over this time period.

  3. Has a lot of customization features and perfect for my needs.

That's it for this week folks! See you next week.

- Pranav Joshi.

Twitter DMs open.

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